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Dikir Syarafil Anam

Kreatif Muslim
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Digital Dikir chanting guide for Brunei's Muslims with authentic audio

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Dikir Syarafil Anam is an application designed for the Muslim community, particularly those in Brunei Darussalam. This digital resource serves as a means of practicing the traditional religious chant known as Dikir, which in the Bruneian context, centers around the recitation of a specific text called Kitab Dikir Maulid Syarafil Al-Anam. The content of this pamphlet is rich with verses from the Qur'an, praises to Allah, details of the Prophet Muhammad's birth, salutations upon the Prophet (Selawat), and prayers (Doa).

The primary function of the app is to facilitate the learning and ongoing practice of Dikir Syarafil Anam. It is especially helpful for occasions that call for spiritual celebration and joy within the Islamic and Bruneian traditions, such as the commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad’s birth, weddings, aqiqah ceremonies, and more.

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A standout feature is the inclusion of high-quality audio recordings that assist users in mastering the recitation. These audio tracks are performed by respected groups in Kampong Serusop, enhancing the authenticity of the experience. The content has undergone a thorough review by the Islamic Da’wah Centre, under the Ministry of Religious Affairs, ensuring that the recitations and teachings are accurate and reliable.

Whether one is looking to deepen religious practices or observing important Islamic events, this platform offers a user-friendly way to engage with traditional Dikir recitations effectively and accurately.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Kreatif Muslim.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 10 or higher required

Information about Dikir Syarafil Anam 9

Package Name com.KreatifMuslim.Dikir_Syarafil_Anam
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Comics & Book Readers
Language English
1 more
Author Kreatif Muslim
Downloads 2,149
Date Feb 24, 2021
Content Rating +3
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Older versions

apk 4.0 Android + 2.0 Jun 17, 2016

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